5 Common Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection !

5 Common Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection !

Urinary tract infections or commonly known as urinary tract infections are infections that affect the organs of the body that are associated with urine. The urinary tractincludes the kidneys, uretersand bladder or urethra. In addition, because the urinary tract is where the discharges in the body then the channel is most easily exposed to thebacteria that cause infection.

As reported by of healthmeup.com, as compared to men, women are easiest to hit this infection. Because of their channels adjacent to the rectum can also be a place ofbersarangnya bacteria.

Here are some of the common symptoms of this disease.

Frequent urination
One of the most common signs of a urinary tract infection or UTI is the urge to urinateare increasing. Even think this comes after you've just emptying Your bladder.

Dysuria or the emergence of pain when urinating can also be a symptom of a UTI. Not only that, if you are affected by UTI it will pop up a hot taste like burning whenurinating.

Blood in urine
UTI occurs because bacteria thrive in the urinary tract. The bacteria then invade thelining of the urethra that can cause a discharge of blood through urine. This conditionis known as hematuria.

High fever and fatigue
When a bacterial infection of the kidney, then reaches a UTI will happen high fever. In addition you will also experience fatigue and nausea.

Back pain
When the upper urinary tract is infected, it can cause pain in the lower back and groin.In some cases, sufferers may also experience severe abdominal pain and cramps.

UTI be illnesses that often appeared lately. There are some things that cause UTI is lack of drinking water, often hold pee, or you do not pay attention to the cleanliness of thetoilet while urinating.

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