Foods Containing Potassium Potent Lower Stroke Risk

Foods Containing Potassium Potent Lower Stroke Risk

Foods rich in potassium like bananas turned out to be not only tasty but also can prevent stroke and the risk of death from stroke in women who already grow older. A new study in the journal of the American Heart Association's Stroke showed that women who consumed foods rich in potassium has a smaller risk of stroke.

"Previous studies suggest that consumption of potassium can lower blood pressure. But it is not yet known whether potassium may prevent stroke and death, "said Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoiller, Ph.d. from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.

Researchers also conduct observation of 90.137 women who had experienced menopause and aged 50-79 years. They observed how much potassium intake is consumed by the participant during 11 years. Researchers also measured the risk of stroke, owned participants.

The research results obtained by researchers, among others, the following was reported by such by Science Daily (04/09).

-Women who eat potassium have a risk of getting a stroke lower 12 per cent and 16 per cent lower ischemic stroke.

-Women who eat plenty of potassium also have a risk of death 10 percent lower compared with less consume potassium.

-Among women who do not have high blood pressure, women who eat more potassium have a risk of developing ischemic stroke 27 percent lower and lower 21 percent is exposed to all kinds of strokes.

-Among women who have high blood pressure, women who consume lots of potassium have lower risk of death compared with those eating less potassium.

Researchers recommend that women consume more fruits and vegetables that contain potassium, for example from bananas, potatoes, and more. But consuming potassium also cannot be exaggerated, because of too high levels of potassium in the blood also harm the heart.

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