Rice Is Soporific. Why?

Rice Is Soporific. Why?

Insomnia is very annoying especially when you are feeling tired. You need an adequaterest period to recover the lost energy after a day of activity.

Instead of taking sleeping pills, quickly consuming rice. According to a study reported by the reason of dailymail.co.uk, consuming rice can make you sleepy directly.

"Rice contains a high glycemic index in it. This substance will be quickly broken downinto sugars in the blood which ultimately may increase the levels of a protein calledtryptophan. This Protein is used by the body to increase the levels of serotonin in the brain that are known to induce sleep quickly, "explained research of Medical Universityin Tokyo Japan.

In addition to rice, eating bread and noodles are also guaranteed to instantly make you feel sleepy. But remember, the konsumsilah with the amount of wisdom so that you are not experiencing overweight due to eating rice before bed.

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