Insomnia or disorders difficult to sleep at night now so frequent health problems whack urban communities. Estimated at more than 10% of society Indonesia experiencing this problem.
Those who frequently tried various ways of insomnia to try early to bed. Starting from drink milk to drink the sleeping pills. The result is a bit of a nil.
According to the doctors who studied the field of Nurdin Stephanus medical hypnotherapy, the power of thought is very important to be able to make a person able to fall asleep. "When the mind is said sleeplessness, then the result is unable to sleep. It is therefore important to mensugesti that you can sleep well tonight "he explained in the RSIA Budhi Jaya, Tebet to Kapoww. com (10/9/2014).
Ivan, doctor calls a close companion, also explains that with the relived drowsiness in the past are able to bring our minds to feel drowsiness in the present.
"Try rilekskan the body, then keep that in mind how mengantuknya circumstances in the past. For example the following lessons at school or to College first. This will bring drowsiness can be felt in the present, "a familiar doctor light greeted the doctor this Ivan.
If the above is not able to make you fall asleep try listen to meditation music. "Music helps customize the brainwaves are at Alpha frequency which will make you feel comfortable, relax, escape from feeling anxious. The impact of someone so easy to fall asleep, "Ivan's doctor light.