Let's Recognize The 8 Symptoms of The ALS Disease

Let's Recognize The 8 Symptoms of The ALS Disease

The phenomenon of Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC) which lately coloring cyberspace was created because donations to the sufferers of ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Although the phenomenon of IBC has been understood by many people but still little understanding of the disease is ILS in tow. Knowledge about the symptoms of this disease are also rarely understood.

As reported by boldsky.com, here's some of the symptoms of the disease ALS a mustfor you to know.

Muscle spasms
One of the common symptoms of this disease is the emergence of a strain in themuscle. And seizure takes place on a frequent basis and felt very painful.

Respiratory problems
If you are exposed to the disease ALS, you'll start having difficulty breathing. Most patients died of ALS failing breath.

Difficulty talking
At the final stage of this disease, most patients do not speak ALS at all. They will experience disturbance menebalnya tongue to speak permanently impaired.

Easily tired
Because your muscles begin to lose its power, then you will easily feel tired. This fatiguewill also be accompanied by an inability to do physical activity.

Hard to swallow
In addition to having difficulty speaking, people with ALS will also have difficultyswallowing. This happens because Your diaphragm muscles begin to weakens.

Muscle twitch
Berkedutnya muscles will probably happen without felt by sufferers of ALS. And youcan't stop it.

It is difficult to walk
When leg muscles begin to weakens, then you will experience problems in running and even walking short distances only. And in the end, you are going to be difficult to walk.

Hard hand-picked
In addition to experiencing difficult runs, people with ALS will also be hard to raise their hands. Until finally at the stadium late, they will experience a partial paralysis.

That's some of the symptoms of the disease ALS a must for you to know. If you feelany of the symptoms above on your body, immediately contact your doctor to get adiagnosis and proper treatment.

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