What is Ebola Virus?

What is Ebola Virus?

Currently the world is In a deadly virus Ebola landa breaks out in Liberia. The Government of Indonesia also have been on guard to prevent these viruses enterthrough tourists visiting Indonesia. Although the Ebola virus is being spread in a placefar enough away from Indonesia, but that's no excuse to ignore the dangerous virus on this one.

The following are some of the facts that are known about the Ebola virus, as reported by the Daily Health Post (25/08)

1. What does Ebola on the body
Everyone surely knows that the Ebola virus is so deadly. But what actually happens tothe body when it is entered into. Ebola Virus can cause internal and external bleedingand damage the immune system and organs of the body that sting is important.

Internal damage caused by these viruses cause blood hard freezes, so the patient canbleed to death. Currently it is believed that Ebola virus could be fatal to 90 percent.

2. how the Ebola virus spread?
Ebola virus is similar to hay fever, colds, or the common cold. But that needs to be grateful is that Ebola is not spread as quickly and as easily as the virus-the virus. Ebolacan be spread through direct contact with body fluids of infected animals and humans.

In Africa, animals such as monkeys, chimpanzees, bats, and other animals can carryEbola. Often the saliva, feces, and other body fluids, they can spread in humans. Whileother viruses usually do not last long in the human body, Ebola could last quite a while.This Virus can also be spread through direct contact with objects such as a table, a bed,and the other, but cannot be spread by air and water.

3. symptoms of Ebola
One of the problems with the Ebola virus is symptoms similar to other diseases and infections. The first symptoms can look like the flu, namely high fever, headaches,aching joints, muscles, a sense of fatigue, and lack of appetite. However, when these symptoms continue, the body will begin to experience such bleeding bleeding in the gums, nose, eyes, and around the finger nail.

4. If you want to travel abroad
If you want to travel abroad, be it Europe, Africa, and othersis very important tomaintain the cleanliness of your own self. Each culture has different kehigienisan levels.Only drink water from a bottle that is still intact and sealed. Avoid eating fruit orvegetables directly with dirty hands or without washing it first. For a while, you shouldalso avoid travel to places where the Ebola virus is being spread.

That's some important information that must be known to many people about theEbola virus. Although the possibility of this virus into Indonesia is still quite small, butit's worth knowing the facts to help you better understand the deadly virus that iscurrently engulfing other countries.

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