5 Fatty Foods That Should Be Consumed More Often!

5 Fatty Foods That Should Be Consumed More Often!

Hear the words of fatty foods, many people would instantly think bad or hat forapproaching. In addition to being associated with overweight and obesity, and fatty foods are also known to cause a variety of ailments ranging from high cholesterol, heart disease, and more.

However, not all types of fat are actually bad for your health. Some types of fat are good and thus should be consumed. Good fats will not raise cholesterol, but preciselyto lower cholesterol is bad (LDL) and increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL).Thus, any food that contains a lot of good fats and should more often be consumed?Here it is the list, as offered by Fit Sugar (24/08).

1. Avocado
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, antioxidants and beta carotene. This type offat is not only prevent heart disease but also improve the function of memory. The amount recommended to be consumed is 65 grams, and one cup of avocado contains23 grams of fat either.

2. coconut oil
Coconut oil has a reputation that is bad enough. But that's true for coconut oil have been processed with added hydrogen and contains trans fat. the pure coconut oilwould instead increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body.

3. Walnut
Walnut is a source of omega-3 fatty acids is good and has anti-inflammatorysubstances. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, walnuts also contain a lot ofprotein, fiber, vitamin E, magnesiumzinc, potassium, riboflavinand selenium.

4. Salmon
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein is good for the body. Eating salmonone or two times a week could would provide many health benefits for your body.

5. olive oil
Olive oil also contain healthy fats that are needed by the body. In addition, olive oil also contains vitamin A, E, chlorophylland magnesium. With the monounsaturated fat inolive oil, it can lower the level of bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart disease.

That's some kind of good fatty foods to be consumed per day. Not all fats should be avoided. Foods containing monounsaturated fats as above must instead be consumedmore often to promote health, prevent disease, and lowers the level of cholesterol was bad.

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