Pain in the stomach often makes women scared. Though most of the pain in the stomach usually is a pain, but the pain in the abdomen can also be one of the symptoms of serious illnesses, especially abdominal pain on the left side. There aremany organs located in the left part of the abdomen. If the pain is accompanied byother symptoms such as fever or shortness of breath, you should immediately call a doctor.
What to look for?
Women have different organs with the guy, especially if the pain occurs in the left part of the abdomen. On the left part of the abdomen of women there are some organsonly have women like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. In addition, there is alsothe same organ with men such as the intestines.
Types of abdominal pain on the left side
Pain that occurs in the intestine usually caused by constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, and others. In addition, bladder infections and the presence of kidney stones can also cause pain in the lower abdomen.
Heart disease can cause pain in the abdomen, as well as pneumonia, pancreatic, gastricand thrush. In women, abdominal pain on the left side can also be triggered byovulation, menstruation, pelvic inflammation, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, miscarriage,pregnant and wine. In pregnant women, contractions can also be felt on the left side ofthe abdomen.
Not all abdominal pain on the left side indicates the presence of a serious illness.Menstrual cramps and constipation can also cause abdominal pain on the left side. If this is the cause, then it could be healed quickly using natural remedies that exist at home. To note is if the pain is accompanied by serious symptoms such as bleeding,sesah breath, or high fever.
Call a doctor immediately if you experience abdominal pain on the left side is accompanied by a high fever. If you are pregnant, immediately go to a doctor becauseit could be one of the serious symptoms such as Vin pregnant, torn placenta, or other.Usually the doctor will perform an ULTRASOUND, urine test, blood test, or do the x-rays to find out what happens to your stomach.