Erectile dysfunction is a nightmare for many men. But don't worry, the study revealsthat erectile dysfunction can be prevented is actually quite easy. Recent research shows that one of the factors that cause men experience erectile dysfunction is the lack ofvitamin D.
This result was found after researchers observed the 143 men who have erectile dysfunction. They found that almost half of the participants ' vitamin D deficiency, and only one-fifth of participants who have vitamin D optimal.
The study also revealed that men who experience erectile dysfunction in severe rateturns out to have vitamin D levels are very low, amounting to about 24 percent lower than men who experience erectile dysfunction early stages, such as offered by men's Health.
A deficiency of vitamin D can increase the production of free radicals is calledsuperoxide ion, says researcher Alessandra Barassi, M.D., and a team of researchers.These free radicals will lower the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps blood vessels work properly and optimally. As a result, the blood vessels are not healthy will cause erectile difficulty for men.
"Nitric oxide cause blood vessels to relax, which will then increase the blood flow and causes an erection," says Larry Lipshultz. Without sufficient quantities of nitric acid, the blood vessels will not be able to relax completely.
If you are experiencing difficulty in erection, try to check Your vitamin D level. Your chances of deficiency of vitamin d. so if you want to prevent erectile dysfunction, shouldfrom now on the consumption of a lot of foods that contain vitamin d. don't get Youthis vitamin deficiency.