Eating tomatoes every day or eating tomatoes about 10 pieces per week were able tolower the risk of prostate cancer, according to a latest research reported by the a
Joint research conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol, Cambridge andOxford is researching the lifestyle of men by age 50 to 69 years who ate at least 10plum tomatoes for a week. As a result they have a low risk of being exposed to this disease.
"The content of antioxidants in tomatoes called lycopene suspected was able to lower the growth of prostate cancer cells in the body of the man. However the content ofthese substances only in the process of processing tomatoes are minimal, "explainedstudy leader, Vanessa Er from the University of Bristol.
"Our findings also show that eating plenty of vegetables and fruit fruitful for both mento suppress the growth of prostate cancer. In addition this healthy eating pattern can keep men's weight so that they can be spared from other malicious disease risk due toobesity. "